@database 001012c8-0 @master Temp:docs/jsplit.doc.guide @$VER: 2.01 @author "Janosh / NEOPLASIA" @(c) " 1995 by J. St tzer" @node "Main" "JSplit Documentation, Mainpage" @next "Einleitung" @{b}@{u}JSplit V2.01 Documentation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Introduction" link "Einleitung" 0} @{"Copyright, Disclaimer" link "(C), Vertrieb und Haftung" 0} @{"Installation start" link "Installation und Start" 0} @{"System requirements" link "Systemanforderungen" 0} @{"How use" link "Benutzung, Startseite" 0} @{"History" link "Historie" 0} @{"Adress author, greets etc." link "Adresse des Autors" 0} @endnode @node "Einleitung" "Introduction" @next "(C), Vertrieb und Haftung" @prev "Main" @{u}@{fg shine}Introduction@{uu}@{fg text} JSplit is a small tool for splitting and joining files. It has some great features like: - Fontsensitive GUI - It's small, fast and easy to use - It even runs with very few memory - Predefined splitsizes for often used disk formats - It's possible to get the splitsize directly from a device - Multi-volume Split and Join - Predifined name pattern for the splitted files - ... @{u}@{fg shine}Why I wrote JSplit@{uu}@{fg text} Some months before I often had to split long files because they should fit on normal disx (e.g. for sending them away). So I started looking for a tools that could do this for me and that could join the splitted files back together,too. In the PD-Pool and in the Net I couldn't find a program that did this in a comfortable way or they did need too much memory etc. So i started writing this tool... @endnode @node "(C), Vertrieb und Haftung" "Copyright and disclaimer" @next "Installation und Start" @prev "Einleitung" @{u}@{fg shine}Copyright and distribution@{uu}@{fg text} JSPlit is 1995 by J. St tzer (Janosh / NEOPLASIA) This program is @{b}FREEWARE@{ub}. It can be copied and used for free under the following conditions: - The whole package is copied: JSplitV2.0.info JSplitV2.0/Catalogs.info JSplitV2.0/Catalogs/Deutsch.info JSplitV2.0/Catalogs/Deutsch/JSplit.catalog JSplitV2.0/Catalogs/Deutsch/JSplit.catalog.info JSplitV2.0/JSplit JSplitV2.0/JSplit.doc.guide JSplitV2.0/JSplit.doc.guide.info JSplitV2.0/JSplit.dok.guide JSplitV2.0/JSplit.dok.guide.info JSplitV2.0/JSplit.info JSplitV2.0/Libs.info JSplitV2.0/Libs/reqtools.library JSplitV2.0/Libs/reqtools.library.info - No changed are made at one of the files. - No profit is made with it. Feel free to include this program in your PD-Library, but I want to be notified about this. @{u}@{fg shine}Disclaimer@{uu}@{fg text} You are using the program @{b}at your own risk@{ub}. I'm not responsible for any damage or loss of data that could be forced by this program. @endnode @node "Installation und Start" "Installation and start" @next "Systemanforderungen" @prev "(C), Vertrieb und Haftung" @{u}@{fg shine}Installation of JSplit@{uu}@{fg text} JSplit requires the Reqtools.Library. So it should be present in your LIBS: Directory. It support the localisation if you have OS V38+ and if a valid JSplit.catalog is present in the drawer LOCALE:(your language). @{u}@{fg shine}Getting started@{uu}@{fg text} From CLI/Shell simply type the name of the program and from workbench you should double-click JSplit's Icon. @endnode @node "Systemanforderungen" "System requirements" @next "Benutzung, Startseite" @prev "Installation und Start" @{u}@{fg shine}System requirements@{uu}@{fg text} JSplit runs on every Amiga with at least OS2.0 (V37.175) and 512 KByte RAM. It support the localisation if you have OS V38+ and if a valid JSplit.catalog is present in the drawer LOCALE:(your language). It requires the reqtools.library V38+ @endnode @node "Benutzung, Startseite" "How to use" @next "Benutzung, Buttons" @prev "Systemanforderungen" @{u}@{fg shine}How to use the program@{uu}@{fg text} @{b}General@{ub} If you've started JSplit it opens its own window and loads required external files. If an error occures it is catched and a error requester pops up. The error messages are self-explaining so here isn't written any more about it. Should the computer crash... Well this should not happen... In this case please send a @{"Bugreport" link "Adresse des Autors" 0} to me... @{"The buttons" link "Benutzung, Buttons" 0} @{"Altering splitsize" link "Benutzung, Splitgr e" 0} @{"Multi-Volume handling" link "Benutzung, Mehrdisketten" 0} @{"Defining name-pattern" link "Benutzung, Namensmuster" 0} @endnode @node "Benutzung, Buttons" "The buttons" @next "Benutzung, Splitgr @prev "Benutzung, Startseite" With the 4 buttons at the bottom of the window the program is mainly controlled. -@{b}Split@{ub}: Split a file. A filerequester (=FR) pops up where you can select the file to be splitted. After you did this you hav to select a destination directory (or a destination device if you've switched on @{"Multi-volume Split" link "Benutzung, Mehrdisketten" 0}) Now the file is splitted into pieces with the selected @{"size" link "Benutzung, Splitgr e" 0} which are named like the selected @{"name-pattern" link "Benutzung, Namensmuster" 0} shows. -@{b}Join@{ub}: Join some smaller file into a common one. In the first FR you have to select the destination path and file. In the second one you can select the files that shall be joined. (Press for multi-select) The selected files are joined afterwards. If @{"Multi-volume Join" link "Benutzung, Mehrdisketten" 0} is activated there'll appear FRs where you can select files to append as long as you press Cancel in a FR. -@{b}About@{ub}: Shows some inforation about the Program. -@{b}Hilfe@{ub}: The Online-help... @endnode @node "Benutzung, Splitgr e" "Altering the splitsize" @next "Benutzung, Mehrdisketten" @prev "Benutzung, Buttons" At the top left there you can alter the splitsize In the number gadget the actual splitsize is shown and you can enter a new one directly. With the cycle gadget below you can select one of the predefined splitsizes. With the button "Get from device" it's possible to get a splitsize directly from a device (in this case this should be a drive with a disk in it). This is pretty useful if you use a non-standart file system. @endnode @node "Benutzung, Mehrdisketten" "Multi-volume handling" @next "Benutzung, Namensmuster" @prev "Benutzung, Splitgr Multi-volume handling. This can be switched using the checkboxes on the top right side of the window. If they're checked (a checkmark appears...) the program can split/join onto/from several volumes. @endnode @node "Benutzung, Namensmuster" "Defining the name-pattern" @next "Historie" @prev "Benutzung, Mehrdisketten" @{u}@{fg shine}Defining the name-pattern@{uu}@{fg text} This can be done using the cycle gadget at the right side. At the moment there are 4 pattern defined. If your file is "test.lha" they name the splitted files like this: 1) @{b}Name.???.J??@{ub} test.lha.jaa test.lha.jab . . . test.lha.jaz test.lha.jba . . . test.lha.jzz 2) @{b}Name.j??@{ub} Like 1) but file suffix is skipped. test.jaa .... test.jzz 3) @{b}Name_??@{ub} test_aa test_ab . . . test_zz 4) @{b}Name??@{ub} testaa testab . . . testzz If you don't like this pattern or if you want more, just mail a message to me. @{"My address" link "Adresse des Autors" 0} can be found somewhere below. @endnode @node "Historie" "History" @next "Adresse des Autors" @prev "Benutzung, Namensmuster" @{u}@{fg shine}History@{uu}@{fg text} V1.00 - Initial release. (14.12.1994) V1.01 - Predifined splitsize was decreased because a file of (15.12.1994) 720000 Bytes doesn't fit on a normal MS-DOS-DD-Disk. V1.02 - The prog couldn't be quitted by pressing (only by (19.02.1995) pressing ) ---> changed V1.03 - The JSplit window looked a bit strange if the screenfont (20.02.1995) was higher than 8 Pix because the prog didn't pay attention to this. ---> changed. - Added sum more messages, comment etc. for status-line. V2.00 - Completely recoded (18.08.1995) - fontsensitive GUI - Predefined splitsizes, splitsize can be taken directly from a device - Online-Help - Multi-volume splitting and joining - predefined namepattern - The change from V1.00 to V1.01 was crap so it was removed. V2.01 - Smaller optimisation (25.08.1995) - Doc changed (a little bit) - Error in the German language catalog fixed. Thanx go to PackMAN 4 reporting thiz! @endnode @node "Adresse des Autors" "Author's address" @prev "Historie" @{u}@{fg shine}Author's address@{uu}@{fg text} If ya wanna contact me try one of these Addys: @{u}Snail Mail@{uu} J. St An der Hasel 195 98527 Suhl / Germany @{u}E-Mail@{uu} stoetzer@rz.tu-ilmenau.de @{u}@{fg shine}Bugreports@{uu}@{fg text} Well, I don't hope so but if someone finds a bug in the program please tell me. Also report me your configuration, which programs there are running in background etc. @{u}@{fg shine}To add sum words...@{uu}@{fg text} If someone - has ideas or suggestion how to improve this tool, - want to swap demos, modules, pix, etc. - has a good idea for a tool, - needs (want to have coded) a special tool - or, or..... Feel free to contact me at one of the adds above. @{u}@{fg shine}And I don't want to forget...@{uu}@{fg text} ...to send greets to sum friends/contacts, like: - all members of NEOPLASIA - Insider, Animal & Buggs of DEFECT - Latte of TEXXID - Beavis & Cie of PHUTURE 303 - Clary of NGC - Mephisto of SUPREME - TSI of ACT (??? What's up ??? Still alive ???) - PackMAN & Diesel - JCL Power - and all, that I've forgotten. @{u}@{fg shine}More greets from NEOPLASIA fly to these groups@{uu}@{fg text} 13 Day - Abyss - Act - Artwork - Bad Brothers Black Fishy - Bomb - Chaos Design - Decision Defect - Defiance - Digital Graffitti - Effect Energy - Eremation - Essence - Facets Pussy Illusion - Infect - Mirage - Motion - Mystic Neo - Ngc - Nuance - Paradox - Phuture 303 Polka Brothers - Prodigy - Retire - Riot - Saints Sanity - Sardonyx - Saturne - Savior - Sector 7 Supreme - Tek - Texxid - The Dark Demon The Magic Guild - Tomato Dreams - TRSI - Unlimited @endnode